We partner with low-income and working people to build economic and racial equity. We do this by confronting economic abuse and investing in community wealth. We use an ever-evolving set of legal, economic and advocacy tools to challenge and dismantle unjust systems, building quickly towards a world where all people have what they need to live and thrive.
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The project started as an all-volunteer community organizing effort to recruit lawyers and inform policy to protect renters during the pandemic. Based on client feedback and engagement, CEDP developed a model that gives renters facing eviction a single point of contact for stability services. In addition to legal services provided by CED Law, CEDP integrates intake and navigation, rapid rental aid payments, and, when necessary, rehousing support. We also focus on building policy change alongside our clients, going from case to cause. This organizing work has led to transformational renters rights legislation in 2021 and a Towing Bill of Rights to stop predatory nonconsensual towing in 2022.
CEDP clients have pushed the organization to think more broadly about the intersectionality of housing and economic instability. Our work now occurs under the banner of the Community Economic Defense Project to reflect the organization’s broader mandate.