Preventing eviction and confronting economic injustice
We’re here to help when things get tough, whether that’s an eviction, foreclosure, or an unexpected tow
+Who we are
Dedicated experts, lawyers, and advocates
We build programs to protect community wealth, stop economic abuse, and keep people in their homes
Featured in

+Our impact
Financial Assistance
Funding Distributed
of our clients are BIPOC
or Hispanic/Latino
Total Clients Provided
Legal Advice,
& Financial Assistance
Monthly Individuals
Provided Legal or
Financial Aid
+Our impact
Integrated, rapid support
Upending cycles of poverty
Getting help shouldn’t be hard. We are a one-stop-shop for people facing economic hardship or abuse.
Financial Assistance
Funding Distributed
of our clients are BIPOC
or Hispanic/Latino
Total Clients Provided
Legal Advice,
& Rental Assistance
Monthly Individuals
Provided Legal or
Financial Aid
How we can help
We administer direct financial assistance and provide legal services to clients at risk of eviction or in the midst of an eviction.
We assist clients who are at risk of losing their home due to foreclosure, or who are in the midst of foreclosure

Unjust towing
We assist victims of an unexpected tow so that clients can quickly regain use of their vehicle.

Resource navigation
We help clients navigate the complex support system, connecting them directly with local service providers and resources.

Policy & advocacy
We elevate our clients’ voices to help enact policies that stop economic abuse, promote community wealth, and drive systems change.

Disaster relief
We help homeowners whose homes were destroyed by a climate disaster get access to resources to rebuild.
Get help with these issues and more
The Community Economic Defense Project provides rental assistance, legal assistance/representation, and resource navigation for clients facing eviction, housing insecurity, and other types of economic hardship.